Podzim je období, kdy se v e-commerce světě rozjíždí nejen prodejní sezóna, ale také příležitosti pro osobní rozvoj, networking a nové poznatky. Ať… Více
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SQUARIS je belgická konzultační a poradenská společnost, která svým klientům pomáhá na poli získávání dotací, vypracovává strategické plány, stará se o public relations apod.
Pro SQUARIS jsme navrhli a vytvořili nový firemní web.
Sun Marketing was chosen on a basis of our “call for offers” because we were looking for someone to redesign our website and build new functionalities, which would make our work easier. There were big demands from our side and Sun Marketing staff put in a lot of hard work to make sure that they meet our requirements. As they are cooperative, customer oriented and very quick to get back to us with answers, the whole project progressed seamlessly. Because the work they did was worth the investment, I would use their service in the future.
Marie-Christine Bonnamour